Cela Handbook 2024-2025

CuttingEdge Learning Academy

10512 Lake St. Charles Blvd, Riverview, FL. 33578
PH: 813-374-5119
FAX: 813-374-5140


Rev. Mother Carina Maris Okeke, SJHP




    CITY:        ZIP CODE:    


2023-2024 Calendar    3
Vision Statement ………..………………………….. 4
Mission Statement ………………………………….. 4
Philosophy    4
CELA Shared Beliefs and Values        4
CELA Pledge     4
Non-Discrimination Statement     4
Admission Policy    4
Admission Requirements    5
Arrival & Dismissal    5
Attendance Policy     5
Attendance Weekly Mass     5
Vacations    6
Birthdays    6
Book Bags    6
Carline Procedures (Carline Operating Times)    6
Change of Address/Phone Number/Email    6
Child Custody    6
Communication (Parent-Teacher)     7
Curriculum    7
Damages    7
Deliveries    7
Discipline    7
Soaring Eagle Behavior Guide……………………… 8
Emergency Cards    8
Emergency Drills (Drills, Emergency Evacuation,
Academy Alert System, Academy Closings)     8
Academic Closings     8
Morning and Extended Care Program    9
Field Trips    9
Field Trip Driver Policy...……………………………9
Food Allergy Policy    9
Medical Emergencies    9
Fundraisers    10
Graduation    10
Gum Chewing    10
Harassment/Bullying    10
Health Records……………………………………...10
Honor Roll Criteria ………………………………...11
Special Awards    11
Pre-AP Program    11
Homework     11
Late Pickups    13
Lunch    13
Medication (Prescription—Non-prescription,
Miscellaneous Health Issues)     13
Network/Internet Policy…………………………….14
Parent/Teacher Organization    14
Parent/Administration Meetings    14
Grade Level Meetings …………………………….. 14
Portfolios    14
Registration/Re-enrollment    14
Remediation Guidelines    14
Report Cards    15
Safe Environment    15
Student Records & Transcripts    15
Academy’s Right to Amend    15
Sports Program    15
Cell Phone Use    15
Tutoring/Mentoring    15
Uniform Policies    15
Valuables    16
Personal Electronics………………………………...16
Visitors    17
Volunteers    17
Volunteer Service Hours     17
Yearbook    17
Financial Policy    17
Tuition and Fees…………………………………….17
Refunds……………………………………………. 17
Unfulfilled Financial Obligation    17
Virtual Classroom     18
Acknowledgement    19


The Academy office is open from 7:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Academy office is open most half days and during the summer break. Refer to Academy calendars/newsletters for official office closings.

2024-2025 Calendar*


19    FIRST DAY of SCHOOL – 1:00 Dismissal
23    1:00 Dismissal
30          1:00 Dismissal

02    NO SCHOOL - HOLIDAY - Labor Day
13         1:00 Dismissal
20    Noon Dismissal – (Parent Teacher Conferences)
27         1:00 Dismissal

04    1:00 Dismissal
11    1:00  Dismiissal
22          1st Quarter Report Card Distribution
25    1:00  Dismissal
31    Graduation Fees Due 8th & 12th Grades

08    1:00 Dismissal
11    NO SCHOOL -Veterans Day
22         Noon Dismissal - (Parent Teacher Conferences)
25-29    NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Holiday Break

06    1:00 Dismissal
13    1:00 Dismissal
13    Christmas Program
20          Noon Dismissal
23-Jan3     NO SCHOOL – Christmas Holiday Break

06    Students Return to the Academy
10    1:00 Dismissal
17          1:00 Dismissal
10    Re-Registration through March 31 – Early Bird Savings Special
20     NO SCHOOL - Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
21        2nd Quarter Report Card Distribution
31          1:00 Dismissal


07         1:00 Dismissal
14    1:00 Dismissal
21         Noon Dismissal –(Parent/Teacher Conferences)
28         1:00 Dismissal

05         Ash Wednesday
07    1:00 Dismissal
14    1:00 Dismissal
12    3rd Quarter Report Card Distriubtion
28    1:00 Dismissal

04    1:00 Dismissal
7-11       IOWA Testing Week
11          1:00 Dismissal
12          1:00 Dismissal
22    Students Return to the Academy
25          1:00 Dismissal

01    May Crowning
02    Noon Dismissal – (Parent Teacher Conferences)
05-09    Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week at CELA
09    1:00 Dismissal
16    1:00 Dismissal
23    1:00 Dismissal
26          NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day

04    Graduation 12th and 8th Grades
05          Last Day of School – Report Card Distribution
05    12:00 AM Dismissal


*Subject to change

We believe that every child will learn successfully in an environment that appreciates, loves, and cares for their academic, spiritual, social, and emotional wellbeing.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy motivates students to pursue their academic, spiritual and social goals with complete focus in showing their love of God and neighbor in their daily interactions. CELA provides a nurturing and faith-based learning environment that seeks to develop the intellectual, spiritual, emotional, and social aptitudes of our students; thereby empowering them to become successful for life.   
CuttingEdge Learning Academy (CELA) is an inclusive academic institution that provides traditional and virtual instructions to the kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school students.
We believe that every child will learn successfully in an environment that appreciates, loves, and cares for their academic, spiritual, social, and emotional well-being.
To accomplish this purpose, we provide our students with a faith-filled learning environment that enables them to feel accepted, motivated, challenged, valued, respected, and loved. We empower our students to take practical approaches in reaching their educational and life goals in a faith-filled environment.
The CELA Trinity of Education acknowledges and fosters collaborative efforts of parents and the academy in the attainment of our students’ highest potentials.
As an institution that promotes holistic education, we recognize our responsibility to develop value-driven citizens that desire to live a life of love, service, and mutual respect for all God’s people.  By embracing a life of prayer, sacrifice and charity, faculty, staff, and parents’ model to our students the true Christian way of living in a secular society.
CELA’s beliefs and values are summarized as
•    Excellence
•    Collaboration and Innovation
•    Respect
•    Honesty
•    Integrity
As a student of CuttingEdge Learning Academy I declare boldly that:
•    I am a child of God.
•    I am created for greatness.
•    Nothing can stop me from being what God has created me to be:
o    A great student
o    A great citizen
o    An ambassador of Christ
o    An heir of God’s kingdom
Thank you God for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

CELA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national and ethnic origin in the administration off educational policies, loan programs, athletic and other Academy administered programs.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy operates under the management of the Sisters of Jesus the High Priest (SJHP). CELA does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national, and ethnic origin in the administration of educational policies, loan programs, athletic and other Academy administered programs.

At the moment of enrollment, all CELA new students become a full member of the Academy. However, the administrative team has the right to determine whether or not current students may re-register. The team’s decision will be determined after careful review of the student’s progress during the course of the academic year.  Parents will be notified of their child’s review.

Parents and legal guardians are essential members of our Academy community. The parents and legal guardians are the primary educator of their children.  The responsibility of the Academy is to support parents in this undertaking. Parents and legal guardians are strongly encouraged to support the Academy so as to better educate our students. A breakdown in this partnership by the parent/guardian may result in the removal of the student from the Academy.


Kindergarten: Children, who will be five years old on or before September 1, are eligible for admission to kindergarten.  

Originals of the Florida physical examination form and completed immunization record form are required when a student is enrolled in any grade at CELA every year.  Children entering Kindergarten or 7th grade must update his/her immunizations before the 1st day of Academy. All students must have up to date immunizations. No exceptions including religious reasons will be made to the above requirements.

At Admission, parents shall present:
•    An official copy of the child’s birth certificate
•    The baptismal record (if applicable)
•    A record of compliance with local and State of Florida health requirements (Form DH680 & From DH3040)
•    A child’s most recent report card and/or standardized test scores for children with previous Academy attendance
•    All documents as specified on the registration check list
•    Any psychological educational exams administered in previous years
•    Court orders pertaining to custody of child when applicable
•    Full grade transcripts from previous schools

CuttingEdge Learning Academy starts daily activities at 7:55 a.m. Parents are requested to drop off their children between 7:45 a.m. – 7:50 a.m. to have them ready for Homeroom.  Homeroom attendance is a 7:55am sharp at the late bell.  Students arriving prior to 7:45 a.m. should be signed into the Morning Care Program. Dismissal for ALL grades is 2:30 p.m.. There will be no student sign outs permitted after 2:00 p.m. for full days and 12:3 0 a.m. on half days. Any student remaining after 2:40 pm will have their emergency contacts called to be picked up. Students who are repeatedly not picked up on time may be asked to leave the academy.

Class Attendance
CuttingEdge Learning Academy considers attendance very important. Every learning time is precious and counts to the academic success of the student. To satisfy the attendance policy of CELA, students must come to the Academy every day and must actively participate in the learning activities of the day.  


All students attending CuttingEdge Learning Academy are required to attend Weekly mass as a group on Wednesday at Resurrection Catholic Church. The students and staff will leave the academy at 12:00 pm and walk to the Church. ( weather permitting) Please note that the school will not be open during mass. Students and staff will return to the academy by 12:50 pm.

A student is tardy if he/she arrives at the Academy after 7:50 a.m. Students who arrive at 7:50 a.m., must report to the Academy office and must have a parent/guardian sign them in. Students arriving after morning prayer has started will not be permitted to enter prayer, will be seated in the cafeteria and will be given a grade appropriate bell work assignment to complete. Anything other than a doctor’s appointment is considered an unexcused tardy. The student must present a doctor’s note for the tardy to be considered excused. Any class work or homework missed, must be completed within 24 hours after the student has returned to the Academy. A tardy student’s entrance into class disrupts their fellow classmate’s concentration and ability to learn in a class that is already in progress, and will not be tolerated.
Students exceeding 4 unexcused tardies per quarter may be asked to leave the academy. A combination of 12 unexcused tardies for the year, will lose automatic re-enrollment privileges and the student may be placed on a grade wait list. Your child must be in school on time per Florida Department of Education.
Absences and Illness
It is the responsibility of the parents to call the Academy’s office or send an email to report a student’s absence. This should be done between 7:30 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. on each day that the student is absent. It is required that parents should clearly state the reason for the student’s absence. A Student who is absent for two or more days must bring a dated Doctor’s note upon return to the Academy. The note should explain the reason/s for the absence as well as assuring CELA that the student’s presence will not be endangering the health of other students, particularly students who had a communicable disease. It is the school’s policy to anonymously alert our parents of potential communicable diseases in our school via email. Students must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school. Students should not be sent to school if they have a fever of 99.4 or higher, have vomiting, diarrhea, an extreme runny nose, excessive coughing, or any other signs of illness. Children displaying these symptoms will not be permitted to enter the Academy or will be sent home.

Early Dismissals
CuttingEdge Learning Academy considers the safety of our students a priority. For the early release of a student, it is required that a parent or legal guardian must sign the early release form before the student will be released to him or her. CuttingEdge Learning Academy (under any circumstance) will not release a student to any person, whether related or unrelated without appropriately authorized parent or legal guardian permission. Any parent or legal guardian wishing to send a relative or friend to pick up a student, must notify the Academy in writing followed by a phone call to the Academy indicating the identity of the person he or she will be sending to pick up the student. The delegate must be prepared to show a photo ID. There will be no student sign outs permitted after 2:00 p.m. for full days and 12:3 0 a.m. on half days. CELA encourages parents to make medical and dental appointments during non-Academy hours.  
Vacations are discouraged during school time.  If it is necessary to take a child out of the Academy for a prolonged period of time, please consult the Academy calendar and the Administrator before making arrangements.  You MUST report the child’s absence to the office. Work will be assigned for make-up after the child returns to the Academy. It is the student’s responsibility to complete and submit work missed during his/her absence in a timely manner. Teacher will assign an appropriate due date.
Please check with the front desk for food allergies in your child’s class before bringing in any birthday treats. Birthday treats must be store bought and include a label listing all the ingredients.  Under NO circumstances will any  homemade items be served. Treats should be limited to cupcakes, brownies, or cookies. A treat MUST be provided for every child in the class. All such treats will be passed out during your child’s lunch break. Party invitations are not to be distributed in the classroom unless all students in the child’s class are invited, or ALL girls or ALL boys instead.

All CELA students must have a backpack-style book bag in order to protect their computer and other valuables from inclement weather, damage, and loss. Please check your child’s backpack to ensure that toys and expensive games are not brought to the Academy. The Academy will not be responsible for personal items that are lost, stolen, or broken this includes jackets and clothing or electronic items or cell phones. Backpack packs should be placed against the wall in the student’s classroom or hung in their appropriate place.

The CuttingEdge Learning Academy carline procedure is designed for maximum safety and efficiency in transporting our children to and from the Academy. Please enter the parking lot from the South East lot entrance toward the Academy front door. Staff members will direct students from their car into the Academy. For dismissal, please enter from the same direction and line up with your family name tag displayed in the front side window. Your child/children will be directed to your vehicle after the 2:30 p.m dismissal. If you are not able to secure your child/children in your vehicle within a quick period of time it is recommended you MUST park your car and not use the car rider line for the convenience of other parents and the other tenants of the plaza.  

Carline Operating Times (When in Use)
Carline will be operated Monday through Friday mornings between 7:45 a.m. to 7:50 a.m. and afternoons between 2:25 p.m. to 2:35 p.m. If children arrive prior to 7:45 a.m., they must be checked into Morning Care Program for supervision (a fee will be incurred). All grades will be released at 2:30 p.m. If you arrive after 2:30 p.m., your child’s emergency contacts will be called.   

It is very important, for emergency and administrative reasons, that every enrolled family maintains an up-to-date address, phone number and email address record at the Academy’s office.  It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the Academy immediately if there is a change in this information during the year.
It is the responsibility of the custodial parent to make the Academy aware of any court order preventing the other parent visitation rights. If any court ordered child custody agreement does exist, a copy must be placed in the child’s permanent office file. The Academy will not be hold accountable if this policy is neglected.

Communication is the only effective way of understanding a situation and for solving a problem.  Please check your daily emails, voicemail or child’s backpack for important information. Also, PLEASE make sure you voicemail is set up on your cell phone and that it has room to accept messages. Any concern or question relating to the student in the Academy should be communicated to the front office as soon as possible so that an appointment can be arranged with the student’s teacher and principal. Scheduled appointments must not be during school hours.  

Parent-Teacher Communication
Four official Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled during the year to discuss the student’s development in the Academy program. Parents must attend these conferences. Teachers and parents may request additional conferences as soon as it is needed. It is extremely important that parents keep the office informed of any changes to contact information.  

The Curriculum refers to all the guided experiences of the student under the direction of the Academy.  The instructional program is monitored and evaluated by the administrator and teachers on an ongoing basis, in keeping with the guidelines of the Florida Department of Education.

The required subject areas for grades K-12 are:
•    Religion
•    Science
•    History
•    Math
•    Language Arts (Reading, Spelling, Phonics)
•    Art
•    Physical Education
•    Nutrition and Health Education
•    Spanish

At CELA, we teach our students responsibility and accountability. In the case a student damages or loses an Academy’s property; parents/guardians WILL be asked to replace the damaged property.

We discourage parents from delivering flowers, balloons, food, etc. during the Academy hours. In special occasions, the deliveries should be left at the front office with receiver’s name and grade written on the container.
CELA believes that punishment should be meaningful to students and should focus on transforming the life and choices of the student. CuttingEdge Learning Academy is committed to maintaining an environment that inspires our students to become a positive influence on their peers.  In the light of CuttingEdge Learning Academy’s philosophy, we dedicate ourselves to:
•    Serving, assisting, and helping each CELA student to maintain good conduct.
•    Providing a wholesome, Christian environment that exposes our students to Christian principles, values and attitudes.

By implementing the Soaring Eagle Behavior Guide (SEBG), our daily goals and overall plan will be reinforced by helping each student learn to make right choices and develop self-discipline and sense of personal responsibility.  In following the strategies of Soaring Eagle Behavior Guide, each student learns the behaviors that are expected of them at a given situation. The Soaring Eagle Behavior Guide highlights all positive behaviors a student is expected to exhibit within and outside the Academy premises. SEBG targets:
Self-Responsibility: Accepting self-responsibility encourages students to see themselves as the primary cause of their outcomes and experiences.
Self-Management: Mastering self-management skills inspires students to consistently plan and execute purposeful actions in pursuit of their educational and behavioral goals and dreams.
Self-Motivation: Self-motivation helps students to find purpose in their lives by discovering personally meaningful goals and dreams.
Self-Awareness: Gaining self-awareness assists students to consciously employ behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes that keep them on course.
Interdependence: Employing interdependence encourages students to build mutually supportive relationships that help them to achieve their goals and dreams while helping others to do the same.
Life-Long Learning: Adopting life-long learning skills encourages students to find valuable lessons and wisdom in nearly every experience they have.
Emotional Intelligence: Developing emotional intelligence helps students to effectively manage their emotions in support of their goals and dreams.
Believing in Themselves: By believing in themselves students see themselves capable, lovable, and unconditionally worthy as human beings. This knowledge inspires them to treat their peer with love and care.

Goals of Soaring Eagle Behavior Guide (SEBG)
The goals of this program are to train students to be responsible, stop unacceptable behaviors, encourage good behaviors, and establish a peaceful and productive classroom.  SEBG empowers our students to take practical approaches in reaching their educational and life goals in a faith-filled environment.

When a student makes choices not in keeping with classroom or Academy rules, he/she will be:
1.    Given the time to study and master the appropriate skill that is required (For instance. self-management) through guided activities such as assigning a Bible passage that highlights the choice that the student made and playing an experiential game such as the bubbles challenge. It is expected that the student will adjust his/her behavior as he/she learns more about the challenging skill. By assigning the student a Bible passage; he/she may learn to conduct himself/herself according to the commandments of God.
2.    If the behavior continues after the opportunity to address the problem, the teacher will notify the student’s parent by sending an email home describing the student’s infraction. It is expected that at this time, parent will assist the child in mastering the particular skill needed.
3.    If the behavior continues after notifying the parent, the student will be recommended to the Administrator for a behavior training which will take place after the Academy official hours and a note will be made in the teacher’s discipline record.
4.    If behavior still continues, the teacher will schedule a conference with the Administrator, the teacher and the parents to brainstorm the best strategies that would help the student.
5.    If a student gets three conferences with the Administrator, teacher, and parent, it is a clear sign that CELA is not the best fit for the student. Parents will be advised to change environment for the student.

The following are considered serious and are subject     to strict review and definite action:
1.    Fighting
2.    Sexual harassment
3.    Disrespect shown to faculty members, other adults or to fellow students
4.    Use of obscene language and/or gestures
5.    Disruptive behavior or insubordination
6.    Possession of dangerous and/or harmful materials or weapons on Academy property
7.    Smoking or vaping anywhere on Academy property
8.    Possession or use of controlled substances
9.    Dishonest behavior
10.    Possession of immoral or pornographic material
11.    Truancy (absence without permission)
12.    Consistent nonconformity to Academy rules regarding proper dress or good grooming
13.    Threatening behavior of any kind or bullying
14.    Violation of the internet Policy.
15.    Excessive uniform violations
16.    Excessive absences or tardies.
17.    Any infraction of any other rule set down by the administration when such infraction is serious
Please Note: CuttingEdge Learning Academy reserves the right to implement the National Department of Education’s “Zero Tolerance Policy” at their discretion.

The Academy has the legal right to search  backpacks, cell phones, computers, personal belongings, or anything brought on Academy property.

Each family must fill out an emergency card at the beginning of the year. In case of an emergency, we must be able to contact a parent or legal guardian. You must name at least two emergency contacts in addition to the student’s parents, and/or guardian. These contacts will be called if parents/guardian is not available. No child shall attend an Academy event off campus unless this card is on file, with the required number of contacts, and current. Notify the office immediately when information changes.

Fire drills are conducted once each month and tornado/hurricane drills are conducted at least once each year.

Emergency Evacuation Plan
In the event of an Emergency Evacuation of the premises, other than for weather conditions, classes will be notified and appropriate guidelines will be followed.
In the event of any emergency, parents will be contacted via phone call or email. Parents should keep the office updated with current contact information in order to be reached in the event of an emergency.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy will usually follow Hillsborough County’s Public School closings for inclement weather.  Listen to the local radio and TV broadcasts or the Academy’s Facebook Page for information on emergency school closings.

The Morning Care and Extended Care Programs will be available from 7 a.m. to 7:45 a.m. and from 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.   The rate for both the Morning Care Program and the Extended Care program can be obtained through the front off or on our website.   Extended Care payments must be paid in advance in order to use the program. You will be directly debited for an agreed upon amount on the first of each month. Any overpayment will be credited to the next payment period. We will track your usage of the programs throughout the month.  On the first day of each month, you will be provided with a reconciliation of the preceding month’s usage of the Morning and Extended Care Programs.  Each student attending the programs, is required to have a completed Informational Form in their student file. Parents/Guardians picking up any child after 5:30 p.m., will be charged a $15.00 fee and an additional $25.00 for every 15 minutes they are late.  Any family whose account becomes delinquent  will immediately lose the privilege of using the program.  A $15.00 late fee will be incurred if payment is not received by the 10th of each month.

According to the Sisters of Jesus the High Priest (SJHP) Educational Policy, all field trips shall:
•    Support the curriculum of the grade
•    Provide learning activities related to the objectives of the program
•    Planned with systematic procedures, such as but not limited to, permission forms, transportation, and adequate adult supervision
•    Suitable teaching shall precede and follow each field trip
•    The Academy reserves the right to prohibit a student from attending a field trip or can request the student’s parent chaperone said child and attend.

At CuttingEdge Learning Academy, field trips are a part of the Academy curriculum and not an option. Students will be permitted to go on Academy sponsored trips only after parents have:
1.    Signed the written permission slip supplied by the Academy
2.    Returned the handbook review form and emergency card
NOTE: A student who does not have the necessary forms signed and returned to the Academy will be placed in the classroom and any money paid for the trip will not be refunded. Telephone permission or parent notes are not acceptable. Parent chaperones are not allowed to bring their younger children as this will affect supervision of students. CuttingEdge Learning Academy will not host activities or events that involve an overnight stay. If participation in Academy-related event or competition involves an overnight stay, parents are responsible for the safety and supervision of their own children during that event. Field trip transportation is by bus or parent drivers. In other cases, where the parent provides transportation, the parent is responsible for arrangements. When transportation is provided by the Academy, all students are expected to use this transportation.

CELA Field Trip Driver Policy
Parent/Guardians may serve as drivers for our field trips. Driver/chaperones must submit
•    A valid driver’s license
•    Proof of current insurance in advance of the field trip
•    Completed Level II background check
Volunteer hours will be given for your time driving and while chaperoning the field trip.

Food allergies can be life threatening. CuttingEdge Learning Academy will work with students, parents and physicians to minimize the risks and provide a safe environment for the allergic students.  Below is a list of responsibilities we expect of the family, student and physician. It will be the parent’s responsibility to:
•    Notify the Academy of the student’s allergy
•    Provide labeled emergency medication with a physician’s order form signed by the physician
•    Educate the student in self-management of his/her food allergy
•    Train another adult of their choice (other than the teacher) to go on field trips with the student to administer an Epi-pen (emergency medication) as required
•    Ensure that all faculty members who teach the student are aware of the student’s allergy and the symptoms that associate with it as well as the appropriate follow-up care
All emergency medication will be kept in the Administrator’s office with the physician’s order form unless otherwise directed by the physician. The teacher who has a student with an allergy, will leave information in the Substitute Folder concerning any necessary precautions.  

In case of a medical emergency:
•    First aid will be administered on site
•    After further evaluation, 911 may be called
•    The parent/guardian will be notified
•    If the parent/guardian cannot be reached the additional emergency contacts will be called.

To maintain affordable tuition and to help us provide special programs, parents/guardians and students are required to participate actively in all CELA fundraisers. Fundraising ideas are welcomed from parents/guardians and the details may be discussed with the administration. There is a monetary fee that can be paid in lieu of participating in fundraisers.

To expedite graduation ceremony preparations, supplies needed are ordered in advance. The Graduation Fee of $250.00 is due upon enrollment of all 8th and 12th grade students. In order to participate in the Graduation Ceremony, end of year field trip, graduation activities and to receive the final report card, all academic and financial obligations to the Academy must be fulfilled prior to April 1st for students in the 8th and 12th grades.  A refund of fees is not possible as expenses are budgeted based on enrollment and paid in advance.

Gum is NOT allowed on the property at any time. It is important that we take care of our campus and the Academy properties.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy is devoted to providing a Christian, professional, and supportive educational community for the administrators, faculty and staff, parents and students. CuttingEdge Learning Academy has adopted and promulgated a harassment policy that addresses behaviors that interfere with fulfilling the Academy’s mission. CuttingEdge Learning Academy condemns any form of harassment from students, faculty and staff, or parents, and will address all credible allegations.

Purpose of the Policy   
CuttingEdge Learning Academy Harassment/Bullying Policy proposes:
•    That every person in our campus is free from physical, psychological or verbal intimidation and harassment.
•    That each individual involved in the Academy maintain and further develops attitudes and behaviors which express respect for others and are reflective of each person’s God-given dignity.
•    To encourage a heightened sensitivity toward behaviors that others may find offensive and intimidating, whether these behaviors refer to race, religion, color, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, age, marital status, familial status, veteran status or disability.

This policy is not intended to otherwise limit the expectation of staff, children, students and volunteers to engage fully in traditions of teaching, celebrating, participating in and being formed by the Quality faith, including but not limited to curriculum, catechesis, the Sacraments, other liturgies, worship services and ministries.

Explanation of Harassment
Harassment can result from a single incident or from a pattern of behavior involving verbal, written or physical conduct or communication. We follow the Florida State protocol for reporting and investigating all reported incidents of bullying and/or harassment.
Harassment encompasses a broad range of behaviors, which could include, but are not limited to:
•    Physical, mental or verbal abuse
•    Insults, jokes, or derogatory slurs based on one or more of an individual’s protected status(es)
•    Unwelcome sexual advances or touching
•    Implicit or explicit requests for sexual favors
•    Unwanted sexual comments (serious or humorous)
•    Unwanted sexually suggestive telephone calls, letters, e-mails, etc.
•    Comments or jokes based on issues of modesty and developing social awareness
•    Unwanted forced involvement in activities (e.g. physical, religious, etc.)
•    Coercion of religious styles or personal beliefs upon a participant
•    Intimidation in front of a group or forced personal sharing in groups
•    Inappropriate media or music use which would violate this policy

The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected to the extent possible, but will be consistent with legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy requires that enrollment and acceptance of students into the Academy is contingent to a submission of a Florida Department of health Certificate of Immunization as provided for in Florida Statute 1003.22. (Form DH680 & Form DH3040) CuttingEdge Learning Health/Immunization records are filed in the Academy office. Any child without proper immunization records according to Florida State Guidelines will not be permitted to begin classes until proper immunizations and original health report forms are submitted to the Academy. Sports Physicals should be noted on the specified sports forms.

Here at CuttingEdge Learning Academy grades 6 through 12 are eligible for the Honor Roll. Below are the specifications about the honor roll program:

Valedictorian: In order to merit the honor of a valedictorian, a student must have earned the highest cumulative grade point average of their graduating class  in all academic areas including: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and in all specials including: P.E./Health, Art, Spanish, Career Elective.  Conduct grades must also be no less than “S” satisfactory in every area.
Salutatorian:  In order to merit the honor of a salutatorian, a student must have earned the second highest cumulative grade point average of their graduating class  in all academic areas including: Religion, Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies and in all specials including:  P.E./Health, Art, , Career Elective and Spanish.  Conduct grades must also be no less than “S” satisfactory in every area.
Honor Roll:  There are 3 honor rolls that students can aspire to at CuttingEdge Learning Academy. First Honor Roll is A’s in all subjects and at least an S “satisfactory” in conduct. Second Honor Roll is A’s and or B’s in all subjects and at least an S “satisfactory” in conduct. Third Honor Roll is A’s and/or B’s and no more than one (1) C per quarter in all subjects and at least no less than an S “satisfactory” in conduct.
A+    =    97    -    100
A    =    93    -    96
A-    =    90    -    92
B+    =    87    -    89
B    =    83    -    86
B-    =    80    -    82
C+    =    77    -    79
C    =    73    -    76
C-    =    70    -    72
D+    =    67    -    69
D    =    65    -    66
F    =    0    -    64
Conduct Scale:
O:    Outstanding
S:    Satisfactory
E:    Effort
N:    Needs Improvement
U:    Unsatisfactory
CELA Eagles Honor Award
All enrolled students of CuttingEdge Learning Academy are eligible for the Academy’s special award, “CELA Eagles”. This is a yearly recognition of those students who excelled in academics and character. These students represent CELA Eagle principles. To select a child for this award, teachers will use the four quarter grades and the following guidelines:
Attitude — positive attitude toward all staff members and peers.
Behavior —should follow Academy and classroom rules in all situations.
Quality Identity —service, applies Quality beliefs and values.
CELA Advanced Academics Standards and Expectations
CELA offers open enrollment for Pre-AP courses. Advanced Academics courses are more rigorous than regular classes. Students will encounter more challenging schoolwork. Advanced Academic courses may require independent research.  The goal of Pre-AP courses is to ready students for AP course work as well as sitting for AP exams in high school. In order to be successful in the Advanced Academic courses students must:
•    Be self-motivated learners and have strong study skills
•    Possess strong creative and critical thinking skills
•    Read on or above grade level
•    Have proficient oral and written communications skills
•    Have self-discipline to plan, organize, and carry out tasks to completion
•    Have interest and self-directedness in a particular subject
•    Have 90 percent or higher in an academic class and 80 percent or higher in a Pre-AP class

CELA teachers and staff view homework as an important part of our student’s education. CELA homework policy is built upon the following beliefs:
•    Homework encourages student responsibility.
•    Homework helps students develop regular study routines and habits.
•    Homework needs to be meaningful and relevant to the curriculum.
•    Homework is an independent practice time that should reinforce what students have already learned.
Homework is an opportunity for the parents and teachers to be partners in their student’s education. The duration of homework should increase 10 minutes for each grade level. We want to emphasize that homework cannot replace the regular instructional time of a student’s day. A child’s attendance and punctuality are particularly important.
The following times are typical for each grade level; however, this does not necessarily mean that students will be given homework every day. Some projects or long-term assignments may span weekends. Students are held accountable for completing assignments according to standards set and may be kept in at recess when needed. If a student has remained on task and is unable to complete his/her assignment in the stipulated amount of time, please attach a note to the homework indicating this.
Grade    Daily Homework
K    10 minutes
I    10 minutes
2    20 minutes
3    30 minutes
4    40 minutes
5    50 minutes
6    60 minutes
7    70 minutes
8    80 minutes
9    90 minutes
10    100 minutes
11    110 minutes
12    120 minutes

 In addition to these times, it is recommended that students do the following:
•    read every night by themselves or with an adult.
•    practice math skills daily.
Reading for the emerging reader may include time that parents/older siblings read to them during the week. Older students should set 100 minutes as a minimum goal to read independently each week.
Mathematical computation (knowing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts) continues to be a goal for all of our students. It is recommended that students spend time each week practicing their computational facts. This can be done with number games, critical thinking skills, flashcards, math games, estimating at the grocery store, etc.
Homework Tips for Parents:
Parents can support a child’s interest in lifelong learning by encouraging good study habits and providing a learning environment in the home.
•    Check for homework assignment.  
•    Choose a quiet place and time to complete homework.
•    Help your child budget time so that a regular schedule for study is set.
•    Support, clarify, and motivate, BUT DO NOT DO THE HOMEWORK FOR YOUR CHILD.
•    Be wary and contact your child’s teacher if your child never has homework.
•    We work as a team with you! Contact teacher(s) if a large number of assignments are too difficult or time consuming for your child. Learning rates vary so it is difficult to articulate an exact amount of time that should be spent on homework each evening.
Suggestions for Students:
•    Use your Assignment Planner wisely.
•    Be sure you understand the assignments or ask your teacher if you need help.
•    Set aside a regular time for homework.
•    Study in a quiet place.
•    Complete your work and hand it in when it is due.
•    Do your best on each homework assignment.
Absentee Policy
Two days are allotted for each day the student is absent. For example, if a student is absent two days (Monday/Tuesday) the work is due the following Monday. We encourage parents to pick up assignments or plan to have work sent home with a sibling or student who lives close by.

For the safety of the students, those who are not picked up or are remaining on the Academy grounds will be taken to the Extended Care Program.  A fee will be charged for this service.

Children will bring their own lunch daily. Please do not send lunches that need to be heated in a microwave. Lunches should be of a healthy nature. Fast food, soda, and foods high in sugar are not permitted. Assistance will be offered to parents with special needs. The academy offers a Peanut/Nut free table for students with Peanut/Tree nut allergies.
Prescription Medication
If a child is required by a medical doctor to take prescription medication during the school day, Academy personnel will administer the medication under the following conditions:
1.    The Academy receives a copy of the doctor’s order which includes:
•    name of medication
•    condition for which it is being given
•    dosage and time of administration
•    duration of the request
•    doctor’s signature and telephone number
2.    Medication must be in original pharmacy bottle, with written information clearly visible.
3.    “Medication at Academy Permission” Form signed & dated by parent must be on file. Medication will be disposed of if not picked up by the last day of school.
4.    No medicine shall be administered to a child in kindergarten. Rare exceptions may only be approved by the administrator.  Medication must either be accompanied by Doctor’s order or prescription, and the appropriate forms must be filled out in the office.
5.    Students are NOT to administer their own medications. Do not send medicine in lunch boxes.
6.    Students are not to distribute medication of ANY kind to one another. BREAKING THESE RULES COULD RESULT IN EXPULSION.
7.    If child is required to take daily medication at home and has missed their morning dose, the parent will be called to either bring the medicine immediately or pick the child demonstrates disruptive behaviors.

Non-Prescription Medications
1.    Must be in the original container (Tylenol bottle, cough syrup bottle, etc.).
2.    Must be clearly identified as to the name and type of   medication and dosage instructions.
3.    “Medication at Academy Permission” Form signed & dated by parent must be on file giving the child’s name, medication name, dosage instructions, specific dosage times, and any other necessary instructions must accompany the medication.
Example:  “Please give Lily one teaspoonful of ‘brand name’ cough medicine at 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.”  Parent must sign and date the form. Forms for administering medication can be obtained in the Academy office.
NOTE: All medications, prescriptions or over the counter type, must be turned in to the Academy office for lock-up in Administrator’s office. No child is to keep any medication on his/her person or in desk or  back pack, etc.  Even cough drops and throat lozenges must be kept in the office. Parents must list all medications their child is taking.  If there is a medication change, please contact the Academy to update medication form.

Miscellaneous Medical, Health & Illness Issues
The office staff attends to any child that becomes ill or hurt during school hours. The parent/guardian will be notified by telephone if the situation warrants.  In general, any child in attendance should be able to participate in Academy activities.  The Academy should be informed of any illness, emotional upset, and loss of sleep, medication administered or other situation that may affect your child.
•    If your child is ill (running a fever of 99.4 degrees or above, exhibiting flu or strep symptoms, experiencing constant sneezing or runny nose, cough, or has an unexplained rash, head lice or nits), please keep him/her home and notify the office of his/her absence.
•    Anytime your child becomes ill during the school day, we will call you to pick up your child.  If you cannot be reached, we will call one of the friends or relatives you have listed to contact in case of emergencies.
•    If your child leaves Academy ill one day, he/she must stay out 24 hours unless a doctor’s note is brought in stating that he/she is able to return to the Academy.
•    Accidents and injuries will be reported to the parent. An accident report form will be sent home. These should be signed by parents and returned to Academy the following day.
•    Parents will be notified if a communicable disease has been detected at the Academy via email.
•    If your child has an allergy, please pick up an Allergy Alert form in the office.  All allergies will be treated as serious.  Parents of students with allergies will be required to have a doctor signed Allergy Alert form on file.
•    In case of emergency, the following steps will be taken:
1.    Parents or emergency contact will be notified.
2.    If the above persons cannot be reached, then the child’s doctor will be contacted.
3.    911 will be called in cases with serious injuries.
The purpose of internet access is to enhance instruction and support learning in a manner consistent with the mission of CELA. The internet offers unique resources to students that allow them to access electronic libraries, search topics in almost any field and obtain information otherwise not available on a local, immediate level/format.

Student usage of the internet shall ONLY be for educational purposes consistent with the curriculum of the CuttingEdge Learning Academy. Usage for entertainment or recreation is generally PROHIBITED at all times unless directed by the teacher. Inappropriate use of the internet may result in cancellation of privileges and students may face disciplinary and/or legal action including, but not limited to, criminal prosecution under local, state and federal laws. Parents and students must sign an Acceptable Use Policy form for their child. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend meetings related to child safety and the internet. Students or parents may not post Academy related pictures, logos, audio clips, etc. on YouTube or other Internet Websites.
All parents with children attending CuttingEdge Learning Academy are required to become members of the Parent/Teacher Organization (PTO). The objective of the PTO is to help promote the welfare and finances of the Academy and to provide educational and social opportunities for Academy families.  PTO sponsors general meetings each year. The purpose of the general meeting is to communicate PTO business.
The administrator’s office is open on a daily basis for parents who would like to present concerns, ideas, or questions in an informal atmosphere. Administration will do its best to answer all questions while respecting individual rights and confidences. These gatherings will give parents the opportunity to deal with issues as they occur in an atmosphere where they can be heard as well as give input. To meet with the administrator, please call the Academy and make an appointment with the Academy’s secretary. Please note no meetings will be conducted during instructional hours.

Grade level meetings with the teacher and principal are offered each year to provide parents an opportunity to discuss issues that relate specifically to children of different age/grade levels. The social, emotional, spiritual and academic areas will be discussed. It is our hope that this opportunity will help parents and the Academy to enhance our experience of community. These meetings will also provide time for parent concerns and questions. Please note no meetings will be conducted during instructional hours.

Portfolios are a collection of work samples which demonstrate individual student growth in a particular subject area.  The collection of documentation will include student work samples, written records and anecdotal notes from teachers, assistant or student; photographs, product of performance assessment, progress reports, checklists, rating scales and rubrics.
Portfolios will be used during parent / teacher / student conferences to demonstrate the student’s learning in the classroom. Parents, teacher and student will collectively review and discuss selected work samples and plan for future growth as a team.

At re-enrollment time, priority will be given to families in the following order:
•    Current students re-enrolling/re-registering
•    Siblings of family members already in attendance, provided space is available
Current families must reply and re-enroll/register within the allocated timeframe or possibly risk losing their roster position. Acceptance for admission is communicated via an Acceptance Letter after the appropriate enrollment fee has been paid.
A student enrolled in CELA who fails one core subject may be required to participate in a remedial program. Failure of two core subjects may result in remediation or retention at the discretion of the Administrator. Failure of three or more core subjects may result in retention. Occasionally, a student may also be retained for maturity or social development reasons. The following criterion applies to the remediation process:
1.    Remediation must take place in one of the following:
•    A CELA remediation program
•    By a teacher certified in the subject area contracted by the parent and approved by the Administrator
•    In a remediation program which has been approved by the Administrator
2.    Prior to the beginning of the next academic year, the Administrator must receive:
•    Validation of attendance and
•    Proof of proficiency (in the subject areas) including work samples and test scores.
Failure to meet remediation guidelines may result in retention.
3.    The following documentation guidelines will be followed after meeting remediation guidelines:
•    The original failing grade is recorded on the permanent record and may not be altered.
•    Proof of proficiency in the subject area must be recorded separately on the permanent record card.

Any student who fails one or more core subjects must meet the remediation guidelines of the Academy. After these criteria have been met, further assessment may be administered by the Academy Administrator to ensure proper placement.
Note: Students with an existing student support plan will be reviewed individually.
Report cards are available for each quarter. Report cards are reviewed before being dispersed. Please sign your child’s report card envelope and return to school for the first, second, and third quarters.  
To ensure safe environment, all faculty, staff and parent volunteers are expected to undergo Level II background screening and finger printing.  Parents will incur the cost of background screening and fingerprinting.  

Student transcript and record requests should be made to the Administrative Assistant in the Academy’s office and may take up to 7 business days to process. No exceptions will be made.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy retains the right to amend the handbook. Parents will be notified in writing if changes are made during the academic year via email. The administration reserves the right to waive any disciplinary regulation.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy will be looking into registering our students in one the local leagues as soon as we have enough student interest. Hillsborough County Students are eligible to participate in their local public school’s sports program while being enrolled in a private school. Please contact the front desk for info.

Cell Phones – Cell phones are NOT permitted in class during the hours of 7:50am – 3:00 pm. Students must place their cell phone in the box at the front desk and can pick it up at dismissal time. Any student found carrying a cell phone during academy hours will be given three chances then expelled from CuttingEdge Learning Academy. Phone calls and text messaging are not permitted under any circumstance during school hours.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy offers tutoring and mentoring services to those students who need it. Please contact the office if you need these services for more information.

All uniforms must be purchased from Big Frog of Wesley Chapel, 24830 FL-54, Lutz, FL 33559.  https://celauniforms2020.itemorder.com/sale
All students are to be in full uniform at all times unless otherwise directed by the Academy. Upon receiving 2 uniform violations, the student may not participate in the next jeans/free dress day.

Written notification is required if there are exceptional medical reasons for the student not to be in the proper uniform. Other guidelines to follow in determining dress code and general appearance are as follows:
•    No bandanas may be worn on Academy grounds
•    No tattoos—temporary or permanent
•    No writings or markings on the skin
•    No cut off or ripped jeans
•    Students may wear a watch and a cross or religious medal on a simple necklace
•    Girls may wear one pair of stud earrings
•    Any jewelry beyond the items mentioned above will be turned in to the office to be collected by the parents
•    No inappropriate haircuts or hair dyes (i.e. Mohawks, braids, corn rolls, fauxhawks, or hair below the ears or collar for boys)
•    Hair accessories must match the uniform
•    No hair wraps and large bows
•    No make-up, nail polish or fake nails
•    Shorts must be knee length or student will be sent home
•    Clothing that exposes the entire shoulder, tube tops, spaghetti straps, or similar type clothing are not allowed
•    Dresses and skirts must reach the knees
•    Closed toe shoes must be worn at all times

Girls’ Uniform:
Grades Pre-K-8
Jumper            Navy
Skort            Navy
Polo Shirt         Light Blue
Ankle Socks        Black
Shoes            All Black
Girl’s Uniform:
Grades 9-12
Skort            Navy
Polo Shirt        Light Blue
Ankle Socks        Black
Shoes            All Black
Boys’ Uniform:
Grades Pre-K-8
No Pleat Pants                Navy
Flat Short                 Navy
Short All Elastic Waist        Navy
Polo    Shirt                Light Blue
Belt                    Black
Ankle Socks               Blsck
Shoes                    All Black    
Boys’ Uniform:
Grades 9-12
No Pleat Pants                Navy
Flat Short                 Navy
Polo Shirt                Light Blue
Belt                    Black
Ankle Socks                Black
Shoes                    All Black

Physical Education
Sweatshirts                Navy
Short Sleeve PE Shirt            Maroon
PE Shorts                Navy
PE Sweatpants                Navy
Zipper Hoody                Navy
Spirit Shirt                Light Blue

Basketball/tennis shoes (all Black) must be worn for P.E. During winter weather the approved navy sweatpants may be worn.

A black leather belt must be worn with blue dress shorts or pants.

Field Trips
Dress code for field trips is CELA PE uniform.  All students must wear the same uniform.

Free Dress Day
Students may wear the following:  Bottoms should be long blue jeans or blue jean shorts, Bermuda/knee length shorts or denim capris.  The top must be modest with sleeves.  Jewelry and make-up restrictions apply.  No yoga, spandex or tight-fitting pants are to be worn. No flip-flops or open-toed shoes.

Blue Jeans Day
There will be a “Blue Jean Day” every Friday. This is a Student Council Fundraiser and the cost to wear jeans is $1.00. Students may wear the following: blue denim in long jeans, capris, or shorts (Bermuda/ knee length and no cut off or ripped jeans).  Top: P.E. t-shirt or CELA Spirit Shirt. Students may also choose to wear a different shirt. The shirt must be appropriate and have sleeves. The cost for the student to wear their shirt of choice is $1.00 Normal jewelry regulations still apply.  

Cold Weather
All CELA students (boys and girls) may wear academy approved uniform sweatpants for PE. Only Academy sweaters or jackets are allowed to be worn inside the Academy building.

Academy administrators and staff are not responsible for valuables students bring to Academy. It is recommended that students leave all valuables at home. Students should not bring toys or unusual items to the Academy unless they are intended for a specific purpose in the classroom and have been requested by the teacher.  If a student brings one of these items to Academy, it will be placed in the office for the parent to pick up.

The following items are not permitted on the grounds of CuttingEdge Learning Academy:
•    Photo/Video equipment (except as allowed for Administrative/Academy approved projects)
•    Portable CD players
•    Handheld video games
•    Any other non-approved electronic device
•    Cell Phones – Cell phones must be placed in box at front office upon entry into building.: Phone calls and text messaging are not permitted under any circumstance during school hours.
Violators of this rule will have the item confiscated until a parent can claim the item in the Administrator’s office and face possible expulsion.  

While we value our visitors, it is imperative that class instructional time not be interrupted. When you come to the Academy during the day for any reason, please stop at the office and sign in.  Parents are welcome to make an appointment to visit classes provided procedure is followed. Class visits are a time for observation only; they furnish an excellent background for parent-teacher conferences. The parent should make arrangements with the administration to ascertain the daily plans to observe in classrooms. At least a one day notice should be given to the teacher. This also applies to potential students who wish to visit. No parents are permitted past the office unless they have had a level II background check done through CuttingEdge and on record with the FDLE.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy greatly encourages parents to volunteer, as it benefits each child greatly to have their families involved in their Academy. Parents will be asked to volunteer their talent during this time. Anyone volunteering in the school must have a level II background check.

In addition to financial support of the Academy, each family is asked to provide volunteer service hours to the many different projects that support our Academy.  All volunteer hours must be kept in the Academy office.  All volunteer service hours must be completed and reported by May 1st.  Volunteer hours are counted from the first day to the May 1st of the current academic year.   All service hours must be completed within that time frame.
In the event that completion of parent hours presents a significant family hardship, a family may pay a non-participation fee to the Administrator of the Academy.
CELA Yearbooks must be pre-ordered and will be distributed on the last day of school. Please feel free to send in any photos you may have taken of your child’s class to be included. Not all photos sent will be included.

Parents and guardians of children attending CuttingEdge Learning Academy are fully responsible for all financial commitments set forth in the Academy Agreement and this handbook.

A tuition schedule is prepared each year by the CuttingEdge Learning Academy Board of Directors. The schedule is reviewed and/or approved by the Academy Board of Directors based upon the anticipated financial needs of the Academy for the upcoming year.  Payment of Academy tuition begins in August of each Academy year. Parents/Guardians may select one of the following tuition payment options:
•    Single payment for full year paid before August 1st of each Academic year qualifies for a 2% discount
•    Two payments:  50% tuition due on or before August 1st and 50% tuition due on or before December 1st qualifies for 1% discount
•    Four payments: 25% tuition due on or before August 1st, October 1st, January 1st, and April 1st
•    Ten monthly payments due on the 1st of months August to May
Late Tuition Payments
In the event of late payment, the family will receive notification indicating the late payment.  If there is a second consecutive incident of late payment, a letter will be sent to the family indicating a due date by which the payment must be made or else the family may no longer have the benefit of having the child enrolled at the Academy.  Accounts that are not settled with the Academy by the stated due date, WILL be forwarded to a collection agency.
To keep tuition rates as low as possible for the Academy, CuttingEdge Learning Academy must be able to adequately predict tuition revenues for the academic year. Therefore, requests for refunds will be handled as described in this section.
Pre-Paid Tuition Refunds
The family must provide a written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to withdrawing their child/ren from the Academy.  The refund will be effective at the end of the month the written notice is submitted. To ensure administrative efficiency, in no event will tuitions be refunded on a partial month, prorated, or mid-month basis.
Curriculum fees, registration fees, sport fees, monthly morning and extended care fees and all other fees, except annual prepaid extended care fees, associated with CuttingEdge Learning Academy, shall be non-refundable. Annual prepaid extended care fees will be refunded for the unused balance of the year, after the discount is given back to the Academy.
Students whose families have not met all their financial obligations to the Academy, will not receive their final report card, transcripts or records until these obligations have been met. They will be also be sent to collections and reported to the credit bureaus.


•    Virtual Classroom is for self pay students only or students with a doctor’s note stating the student may not attend school in person.
•    Student’s are state scholarships are NOT eligible for virtual classes.
•    Students must come to virtual classes as they would if they were attending class in person.
•    They should be well groomed and in their proper uniform.
•    Please make sure your child has had breakfast before the 7:55 am start of day.
•    Students will follow their regular class schedule that was emailed to their parents. They must actively participate in instruction and lessons.
•    Classes start at 7:55 am SHARP.
•    If your child logs on at 7:56 am they will be considered tardy.
•    Attendance is taken and submitted each day at 7:55 am sharp.
•    Five unexcused tardies will count as one unexcused absent.
•    Students must be prepared with the curriculum they will need for their classes each day before the 7:55 am class. Make sure your child has all their books that they will need before they log in at 7:55 am. Again, there cannot be distractions as it will interfere with other students learning, both at the academy and virtual.
•    Students will stay logged in the entire day with a break for lunch period or restroom only.
•    There will be NO eating permitted while in class unless during assigned snack times.  
•    Snack times are 10:00 am for 6th – 12th grades and 1:00 pm for K-5th grades ONLY. This will be the only time your child may have a snack during virtual learning.
•    If a student should need a restroom break or need to stand up to stretch, first, they must ask their teacher, and then they may go just as if they in the actual academy.
•    Group restroom breaks will be given for each grade at least 3 times a day. Your student may also use their restroom or stretch during this time; however, their camera must stay on and they should not take more than five - eight minutes.
•    For a student to be considered present, the teacher must always be able to see their face.
•    While we understand that a student may look down at their keyboard or workbook while doing a lesson, the teacher must still be able to see at least the student’s eyes while working.
•    Students must be present each day, for the entire day just as if they were in the physical school.
•    Students must be in an area in the home that is quiet, and free from distractions.
•    There should not be any background noise or distractions or else it will interfere with the other students both virtual and in the actual academy. So please be considerate of others.
•    Make sure your child has sufficient sleep so that they are awake and able to actively participate in class.
•    If your child has a doctor appointment or will be out sick that day, please notify our school secretary in advance or before 8:00 that day.
•    To be compliant with State issued scholarships and attendance policies, we must keep strict attendance for students attending virtual classes.
•    Excessive absences will jeopardize a student’s scholarship status. We do not want to see any of our students lose their Scholarships. Your child must have consistent attendance.
•    If your child has 20 or more days out, we must notify the state scholarship departments. Please remember 5 unexcused tardies equals 1 unexcused absence.

CuttingEdge Learning Academy reserves the right to make changes to their policies as they see fit throughout the academic year. When these changes occur, parents/guardians will be notified of such changes via email.